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  KingSpades, Feb 20 2011

need it quickk~

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Party Went Wrong
  KingSpades, Jun 06 2010

Aight so, a little background info.

I'm kinda dating this chick for the past month, and i decide to invite her as my date to a party last night. Well we talk about it all day and shes acting all excited and shit, then when i finally go to pick her up, as im like 5 minutes away from her house i get a call from her friend, whos like, "oh shes at my house, when are you gonna be here to take us to the party?". I say "... umm 5 minutes i guess...." then hang up. Now here im thinking, 'WTF why is her friend coming, and i kinda get instantly raged, i dont want a friend coming on a date wtf. Anyways, I get to her house and pick them up, and kinda just turn my music up the whole drive being silent and irritated. We get to the party and i kinda get out of my car, say "bring the cups" in kind of an asshole-ish way and go inside. So im in there chilling for like 5 minutes with my friends and some other girls and i notice that they didnt even come inside yet.

So i walk outside, and just by chance im walking out with this other girl, who just happened to be going out at the same time, so when i get out i notice my girl is really pissed off and quiet, and im asking her why they havent come in, and shes being all awkward and quiet, so i just kinda walk back inside, and am like whatever. So another 10 minutes go by and we need the cups so im like fuck i gotta go back out there... So i go out again and i ask her whats wrong. She basically tells me she thinks im really mad at her, and im just having fun with "that other girl".(who i just happened to exit the house at the same time as) So i end up kinda apologizing and saying im not mad at her, and basically defuse her anger and we make up, and i give her a piggy back ride inside.

So we start playing fuck the dealer, and ring of fire and all that shit, and everything is better now, me and her are getting drunk, vibing, being cool, you know. So after i while i realize this other guy keeps talking to her over and over. And im kinda getting annoyed by it, but i just ignore it, and kinda come cut him off, or just try to stay with my girl most of the time, but its a party so i gotta be roaming and entertaining the masses you know. So me and her keep hanging out, we both are pretty damn drunk, and shes getting in her, im almost gonna take my clothes off mood apparently. I'm kinda almost in drunken zombie mode, you kinda walk around, and just stare at people lol. It usually only lasts like 30min to an hour, but im sure u know what i mean. So anyways i notice she keeps disappearing all the time, mostly because her friend constantly brings her off to other rooms and bullshit. And i notice that almost eveyrtime i go look for him, its those 2 and that guy that kept trying to talk to her. So im getting a little more annoyed, and i end up kinda ignoring her the whole night, after telling her friend i was getting a little pissed off she kept ignoring me and they kept talking to this dude.

So anyways, we eventually leave and im basically stone the whole drive home, just ignoring everything, and just thinking about how im gonna handle this situation. So after like 20 minutes of complete silence, i drop off her friend, and i start to take my girl home. After like 5 minutes of more silence, shes like.. "why are you mad at me?" So i basically tell her, im frustrated because i invited her as my DATE, and she brought her friend, (im usually okay with a friend coming along, but not a fucking friend who pulls her off constantly and cant be alone). Then im basically telling her that i dont know whats going on between us, and im getting kinda annoyed that shes so "off and on" if you know what i mean. And i told her its so hard to find time to hang out with her, that its kinda stupid when she invites a friend. I dunno, i think im being reasonable. But anyways, she decides that she wants to spend the whole day tuesday with me to make up for it, so im like okay whatever we will see how this goes.

NOW, today i log on facebook, And i see on her facebook pages, shes not added friends with that guy from the party. And Their convo was something like this...

Guy- Whats crack a lackin lol?1
Girl- Hey not much, just recovering from last night lol
Guy- Haha we did get a litle wild haha
Guy- Well if you ever wanna hangout outside of a party let me know lol
Girl- Haha we did, i had a good time, message me your number!

So now, what is my course of action.. It really pisses me off because one of my best friends, BROUGHT this guy. So now i dont know how to deal with this.

girl trippin
guy hitting on her
she gives guy number

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  KingSpades, Jun 01 2010

Edit: Done!
ty whamm! for quick and easy transfer~

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